Congratulations are in order!
Frank-Torsten Appel is celebrating his 35th anniversary at TGE Marine. An impressive career as well as a testament to him for his commitment to the organisation and the ability to see what the future may hold.
We were able to catch up with him for a few minutes to her about his journey so far.
He started his career as a Junior Mechanical Engineer in the engineering department in 1990 and has worked his way up through the organisation and now heads up the Mechanical Engineering Department with 16 employees.
When asked what his career highlights was, Frank-Torsten said that there were too many to mention but one that stands out, is the creation of the tank department in 1995. During his career, Frank-Torsten has been designing and supporting the fabrication of approximately 400 fuel gas and cargo tanks to date. To date he still enjoys the challenges that come with a project and enjoys supporting his team with his breadth of knowledge.
Frank-Torsten also indulged us for some quickfire questions:
What would you say are the top 3 things that you enjoy most about your job?
1. A good team
2. The development of the company
3. New challenges every day
What is the biggest change that you’ve seen at TGE Marine since you started?
The biggest change was the transition from one product (Gas Carriers) to the actual product range (Fuel Gas Systems, Gas Carriers, Bunker Vessels, Floating Units, CO2 Carriers, Ammonia Carriers and Ammonia Fuel Gas System).
Anything else you might want to share?
35 years is a long time to work with one company. But there wasn't a single day that was boring.
35th anniversary at TGE Marine